Gross und Klein Big and Small
Botho Strauß
Sydney Theatre Company, 2011
Regie / directed by
Luc Bondy, Benedict Andrews
Bühne / set designer
Johannes Schϋtz
Kostüme / costume design
Alice Babidge
Licht / lighting
Nick Schlieper
Mit / with
(Lotte) Cate Blanchett, (Inge & Turk’s Wife) Anita Hegh, (Old Woman & Older Married Woman) Melissa Jaffer, (Woman & Meggy) Belinda McClory, (Guitar Player) Josh McConville, (Paul & Doctor) Robert Menzies, (Fat woman & Tent) Katrina Milosevic, (Wilhelm) Richard Piper, (Alf & Juergen) Richard Pyros, (Girl with bladder & Josephine) Sophie Ross, (Jung Man & Albert) Chris Ryan, (Man in Nightwatch & Bernard) Christopher Stollery, (Old Man, Older Married Man & Old Man with shirts) Martin Vaughan